Tag Archives: Girl Scouts of Gulfcoast Florida


Selling Cookies and Building Dreams with the Girl Scouts of Gulfcoast Florida (Ep. 16)

Everyone loves Girl Scout Cookies! Do you have a favorite? 

In this episode, Christina and Julie speak with four members of the Girl Scouts of Gulfcoast Florida (GSGCF); Ashley Gill, Kelly McGraw, Allyson and Adelyanna.

Listen in as they discuss what goes into selling the famous cookies, the different badges, rewards and adventures the girls can earn, and how you can donate to charities through their program initiatives. 

Go behind the scenes as the Girl Scouts discuss: 

  • The various programs available to assist with raising funds
  • How troops set sales goals and how they are rewarded when they achieve them
  • How they’ve updated their payment methods through credit and online orders
  • Why giving back to the community is so important
  • And more


Connect with Julie and Christina:

Connect with Ashley Gill and Kelly McGraw:

About Our Guests: 

Growing up, Ashley Gill was first a Brownie and then a Junior Girl Scout.  After getting her daughter, Allyson involved in the Girl Scouts, she decided to return herself…this time as a volunteer troop leader. 

As a girl, Kelly McGraw spent eight years as a Girl Scout where she enjoyed camping and the trips and adventures.  After a stint with working with the Girl Scouts of the Jersey Shore, she made the move to Florida and ended up joining the Girl Scouts yet again. This time with the Girl Scouts of Gulfcoast Florida as its Director of Member Experience.